


@ 注意事項

→ 住所
→ TEL:082-223-1000
→ FAX:082-223-5678
→ チェックイン:17:00
→ チェックアウト:10:00
→ 交通アクセス
JR広島駅南口より徒歩7分/山陽自動車道 広島ICから約5km(約20分)八丁堀まで徒歩約10分 紙屋町まで徒歩約20分
→ 駐車場
提携駐車場(高さ制限2M 普通車のみ 幅1.7まで)1300円(15時〜翌10時出入れ不可)先着順
Hotel FLEX
  Kikkawa ‘Ryokan’ or the Japanese inn, the antecedent of Hotel FLEX was named after Kikkawa Motoharu, one of the famous generals during the Civil War era of Japan, and the founder ancestor of the hotel.
It is said that Kikkawa Motoharu, the second son of Mori Motonari, who is famous for the anecdote of "Three Arrows", was intrepid and brave, serious and sincere, appreciated humanitarian value and had the spirit of hospitality.
Hotel Flex has succeeded such ideals in the spirit of Motoharu for more than150 years since the Kikkawa Ryokan Inn was established.
 Hotel FLEX: Lodging Contracts With regard to the lodging contracts made between 'Hotel FLEX' and it's guests, it shall be assumed that Japanese law is to be considered the over-riding law in the case of each contract, and the competent court of jurisdiction shall be the district court, which in turn has jurisdiction over 'Hotel FLEX'.
MaisonnetteDouble Room Queen Double-bedded room,
Minimum size of room 30 Square
We have abundant variations in our guest rooms, from a reasonably-priced compact single-bedded room, a compact double-bedded room and twin.
Please choose according to the purpose of your stay.
Twin Room Minimum size of room 23 Square flooring
As to the interiors, the concept is to be simple and modern, fresh and clean, with a color scheme based on white and blue, with white plain wood flooring.
Please enjoy being in a bright, simple, flexible space in a hotel best located to command a splendid view of the river.



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